Learning Style

In my career as an instructor and golf coach, I recognize that every student has a unique learning style. By discovering their style or combination of styles, I am able to implement my teaching methods to and maximize your results.


The first step is to take the Great Results Golf Learning Style Inventory. This information allows me to gain greater insight into how my students learn. Once we discover your learning style, or combinations of learning styles, I utilized the information as a guide to customize your specific instruction.


Individual learning styles can change and modify throughout life in varying degrees. Ultimately, students will use all three styles when learning the skills required to play golf.


The goal is to develop and integrate a balance of learning styles for the optimum result.

Take the Golf Learning Style Assessment!

Take the Golf Learning Style Assessment!

Take the Learning Style Assessment


If you have a visual strength you find it easier to learn through seeing your coach demonstrate a skill. Reading, watching films and videos are excellent tools when learning new golf skills. Use of lists is helpful to remember instructions.


If you have an auditory strength verbal descriptions work well. You like to discuss the details of learning a new skill. You prefer to work out solutions by talking them out. Repeating instructions and tactics out loud, learned in your golf lesson, are helpful.


If you have a kinesthetic strength you generally have an active approach to learning. You think and learn by moving and being engaged from the start of a new learning experience. You are “hands on” and learn by doing and experimenting.

Stewart's teaching methods are successful with all levels of golfers. Contact us to schedule a lesson.